Culture aircon

Appeared in the '30s, the air conditioning is adapted to regulate the internal temperature relative to that recorded on the outside.

Initially, the air conditioning only evoked the refresh important buildings including the heat became uncomfortable for humans. Moreover, among the first customers of the AC ', there are companies who saw the productivity of their employees fell with the rising heat. Today, the air conditioning has been democratized and is an element of comfort for the individual. Indeed, the particular research constantly improve the comfort level of its habitat. However, global warming and its consequences (especially the heat wave of 2003) remain key factors to the entrance of the aircon in private. Even if the air conditioning is becoming more accessible to man, it is far from commonplace in the particular in France. Indeed, only 10% of individuals are equipped with aircon in their housing. Yet the air conditioning brings many comfort and health benefits.

Profits comfort of the air conditioning

The aircon improves thermal comfort corresponding to a state of thermal equilibrium between the human body and the environmental conditions. Beyond a certain level of imbalance, the individual feels discomfort, particularly because it will have to take action to reduce this imbalance. First, this thermal comfort depends on many factors such as sensitivity (psycho appearance), clothing, metabolism and physical activity of each individual. Then, thermal comfort is also dependent on the temperature of the environment (air, walls), air movement, and humidity on the other. Beyond a certain level of imbalance, the individual will feel discomfort, particularly because it will have to take action to reduce this imbalance. Among the mentioned influences, the air conditioning These include the factors from the environment and air. Indeed, the air conditioning offers an ideal temperature and can regulate humidity by absorbing excess moisture. Moreover, equipped with aircon, you optimize your acoustic comfort by leaving your windows closed.

The health benefits of aircon

The aircon significantly purifies the air by getting rid of irritating dust and allergens. An ideal temperature in summer and winter is important for the human body. Thus the hot summer nights, you sleep in optimal conditions. Today with the concept of air conditioning, air conditioners are also used to heat the home. The air conditioning reversible thus ensures an ideal temperature throughout the year. The air conditioning reversible refreshes in summer and heating in winter

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